I Was Wrong Yesterday

I forgot to clock-out

February 05, 2020

I keep forgetting to clock-out from the working task when I suspend the machine and go home. I only see this when I go home and open the laptop. Sometimes it is few days later if I went on a vacation or had to attend to something. Dumb way to fix this is clocking out using C-c C-x C-o and editing the log entry for the clock manually. This is what I did until recently.

If you are wandering what all this is about, I am using the org mode to keep track of how I spend my time on certain things.

I wanted to do this more efficiently and it turns out that org-resolve-clock (or C-c C-x C-z) is the better way to do it. Here is how I do it now.

  1. Use C-c C-x C-z
  2. Press K when I get the prompt. Remember that it will clock out only when the uppercase K is used.

    Select a Clock Resolution Command:
    i/q/C-g  Ignore this question; the same as keeping all the idle time.
    k/K      Keep X minutes of the idle time (default is all).  If this
            amount is less than the default, you will be clocked out
            that many minutes after the time that idling began, and then
            clocked back in at the present time.
    g/G      Indicate that you "got back" X minutes ago.  This is quite
            different from 'k': it clocks you out from the beginning of
            the idle period and clock you back in X minutes ago.
    s/S      Subtract the idle time from the current clock.  This is the
            same as keeping 0 minutes.
    C        Cancel the open timer altogether.  It will be as though you
            never clocked in.
    j/J      Jump to the current clock, to make manual adjustments.
    For all these options, using uppercase makes your final state
    to be CLOCKED OUT.
  3. Enter the number of minutes that I want to keep when I get the following prompt.

    Keep how many minutes? (default 2743) 

That’s it, I am good to start a new task now.